Monday, May 17, 2010

From the Archives

March 20, 2003

I was over at my parents' house earlier this evening and I was showing them what I got for Kenny [to put in a care package I sent to him while he was in Iraq]. My brother walked in and sat down and said:

BEN: Did you get Kenny any sanitary napkins?

(we all turned and looked at him trying to figure out if we really just heard him ask if we were sending Kenny pads)

ME: Um. No.

MOM: Why would Kenny want sanitary napkins?

BEN: You know, to wash his hands with.


And then even after we told him what sanitary napkins were I don't think he believed us. So later on in the conversation when he started using the words "lube" and "Lubriderm" interchangeably, I had to question him on that too...I can't have my brother going through life thinking that when someone says "lube", they mean hand cream.

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