Saturday, October 9, 2010

She's an excellent date for kicking around and following your nose.

I don't really know how to sum up my Saturday and adequately share what a whacked out day it was but Lauren and I decided to go to the movies and discovered a crazy lady sitting in front of us, talking to and stroking the heads of non-existent people. On her way out (which we saw clearly because for whatever reason the lights never went down in the theater and none of the five people in the audience bothered to complain so we all just watched the movie with the lights on) the lady kept patting (slapping?) her boobs (to make sure they were still there?) and then we also ran into her in the bathroom where she was having an animated and unintelligible conversation with someone and it all just really tickled Lauren's funny bone, which in turn tickled MY funny bone.

We walked through the lobby feeling kind of stunned by the movie and the level of crazy in the theater and I commented that it had been a weird, weird day and RIGHT THAT MOMENT, a little person WHIZZZZZZZED by us on his scooter, a big smile on his face and his long hair blowing in the breeze created by his speed, and for a split second I thought maybe I was sleeping and that this was a dream.

For the rest of the afternoon, the whole world continued to just sort of roll past us in a is-this-real-or-is-this-pretend sort of way.

In reality, it was just a Saturday spent ditching our hike and then having coffee then going to the movies then having lunch then poking around downtown Mountain View and there was nothing overtly WACKY about any of it, but it was a day full of double-takes.

We've decided that we need to spend all day in our stretchy pants and sneakers more often.

1 comment:

  1. I would have fallen on the floor in hysterics when the little person whizzed by. Are you sure you didn't hike and eat some "special" mushrooms?


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