Sunday, October 17, 2010

I live a sporty lifestyle!

I took a tennis lesson with Walkera today. It wasn't her first time at the rodeo, but she was kind enough to take the beginners class with me.

The teacher kept saying that it just takes have to hit 1,000 balls and over time, you'd figure stuff out.

1,000 balls.

1,000 balls.

1,000 balls.

Got it.

Anyway, that's your context.

Toward the end of the lesson he said "She's seen a lot more balls than you have..."

And I was SO GOOD and didn't giggle or say anything rude or agree that YES SIR-EE, SHE SURELY *HAS*!


  1. Dude... it took A LOT of strength not to burst out laughing. I made a point not to even look at you when he said it
    I'm like...hell yeah I have seen a lot of balls!

  2. HAHAHA! I totally had to look away too. I thought that if you weren't giggling then for sure I was just an immature tennis novice with her mind in the gutter!


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