Saturday, July 3, 2010

Tattle Tale

I was loading my groceries into my car in the Lucky's parking lot today and I heard a CRUNCH. I turned around and saw that a car had hit the car next to it as it was pulling into a spot. I watched and loaded as the driver and her passenger pulled all the way into the parking spot, got out to look at the damage (a big swipe of paint and, as I later saw, a dislodging of the bumper) and then got back in the car and drove away.


I've been the victim of a true hit and run and a few anonymous parking lot swipes and they are SO SO SO RUDE and inconsiderate and blood boiling so I got in my car and followed the hitter and runner to the next light and snapped a picture of the license plate.

I saw the guy (who was now the driver) seeeeeeeeeee me in his side view mirror and I hope his heart was beating hard and wondering if I was doing what he thought I was doing because as soon as the light changed, he drove off.

I did a u-turn and went back to wait for the swipeeeeeeee to appear, the whole time trying to decide if I wanted to get involved and if I did get involved would that make me a tattle tale or would that make me a good citizen?

I ultimately decided to tell the lady that I'd seen what happened and that I had a picture of the car's plate.

She was upset but grateful.

When I got home I asked my moral compass, AKA my dad, if I did the right thing or if I had been a tattle tale and he said that I had absolutely done the right thing.


Good deed for the day: CHECK!

1 comment:

  1. Agreed with your Dad. You absolutely did the right thing! I would definitely want someone to do the same for me if I was victim to a hit and run!!!


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