Sunday, May 29, 2011

Probably the only pretty part of Fremont

Ever spent an hour and forty minutes walking up a hill without any flats spots to catch your breath? It's a bitch, let me tell you, but when you get to the top, the view is pretty great:

And if you look to the west you can see the lower end of the San Francisco Bay:

Lauren and I hiked the Mission Peak trail yesterday morning and the entire hike up and down only took a bit over three hours. The internet tells me it's about a five and a half mile trek, but I know it took me about 20,000 steps' worth of effort:

(That, Internet, is my Fitbit. I love it and a bunch of my friends and family members have them too and now THEY'RE spreading the Fitbit love toooooo. I love that it's a pedometer you can wear in your bra and that figures out how many calories you've burned and that magically syncs with your computer. Get one!)

Lauren had warned me that this hike was NO JOKE and SHE WAS CORRECT. The uphill was murder on my lungs and totally sapped me of energy, but I forgot that the downhill hiking was just as bad, but in different ways. My thighs will thank me eventually, but I'm currently nursing some day-after ACHES AND PAINS.

Glamourpuss wouldn't pose for a photo with me, but here I am, in all my sweaty glory:


  1. I just couldn't pose when the whole way up the mountain you were telling me how un-lady like I looked for the first time ever... I didn't need the Internet to see my fanny pack either!!

  2. Holy crap, Mike is excellent on taking us on those uphill-both-ways hikes from hell. The views are always worth it.

  3. oh man that mt. is NO JOKE. I think I might have almost cried at one point up that stupid trail


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