Monday, May 23, 2011

I need a new white slip.

Two embarrassing things have happened recently and since I am generally organized enough to be able to avoid these types of mishaps, I'm thinking I'm slipping and I need to step up my game!

Embarrassing Thing #1:

I was at my boss's bachelorette party a couple of weeks ago and I had to sneeze. Until very recently, I've been a sneeze-in-the-hand-and-if-something-comes-out-gracefully-hide-it-and-then-wash-it girl but for whatever reason, on this night I chose to sneeze into my elbow.

My mother is probably cringing right now. That was not what I was taught.

I learned my lesson though because I SNEEZED A BIG CHUNK OF GOO OUT ONTO MY BLACK SWEATER!!!!!


I wasn't sure what to do so I wiped it off with my hand and then played cool for a moment while I considered the best course of action and then realized that I needed to GO TO THE BATHROOM AND WASH YOUR HANDS, DUMMY.

So I've been living with that shame and the horror that the chick who saw it go down was the one chick I don't know very well or have a good rapport with and now she's going to think I'm disgusting.

Embarrassing Thing #2:

I'm going to blame this one on the fat girl slip makers.

So, if you're a fattie and you want to buy a slip, you're generally limited to knee-length and longer slips (which tells me not many fatties are wearing slips because they sell PLENTY of shorter-than-that skirts to my people). I have one short black slip that I bought FOUR SCORE AND SEVEN MILLION YEARS AGO that I'm sure was sold during a momentary lapse in judgement by the slip makers of the world and I have one long cream colored slip that I have to rig by pinning it to my bra, but even then it's too long for most of my above-the-knee skirts.

But what do I wear when I wear a shortish skirt with a considerable amount of white in it?

Not the black one because it would show through and not the cream one because even rigged to my bra, it's too long. As a result of my inadequate slip supply (that I've tried IN VAIN to correct), I am forced to resort to an item I bought out of a catalog when I was eighteen. Possibly even younger than that -- I had to fill out my order form and mail it in, it was so long ago.

Okay so this thing I bought looks exactly like a slip, but was marketed as ladies' boxer it is short (mid-thigh, I'd say) and loose and made out of slip-like material and is totally slip like, but with a crotch. I've worn the hell out of it over the years (I tried it as actual underwear once but the crotch hangs really low and it was too damn breezy for me) and as time went by, the seam holding the crotch in place started to fade away and eventually one end of the crotch part was hanging on by only an inch or two of stitching.

Until today, when I went to the bathroom to discover that the crotch had finally given up the ghost and was now DANGLING FREELY.

I'll also add that I must be dehydrated because I've only been to the bathroom a few times today so there's NO TELLING HOW LONG IT HAS BEEN LIKE THAT!

I am currently maintaining hope that my fat thighs were finally good for something -- In this case, I'm hoping they were good at holding onto the DANGLING CROTCH and keeping the evidence up above my hemline because otherwise I would have been the lady walking around the office with FAT LADY BOXER SHORT CROTCH hanging down outside of her dress!!!

I made it through the Rapture, but I now might die from humilitation if anyone saw the crotch hanging out of my dress.



  1. When my cousin got married it was back in the day yo when I was thin. I had on a slinky dress which required a thong. These thongs were weird and didn't have elastic. The waistband was made out of regular underpants material. i.e. NOT VERY STRETCHY. And yeah I went to the bathroom and the side of the thongs RIPPED. Which since my dress was really long it didn't matter except I HAD TO THROW MY UNDERPANTS IN THE TRASH CAN IN HIS BATHROOM. And I kept wondering if they were like "WHO put THESE in the trash?"

    /my underpants horror story

  2. Horrifying. If I had seen that hanging out of your skirt I would have thought it was busted mormon underpants.

    There are lots of places to get replacement boxer slips, which are apparently called culotte slips, split slips, or pettipants, which makes me laugh.

    Also, I know you know this, but it would be so easy to convert a long slip into a short one.

    ps. I tried to post this comment twice before but google was being annoying so if it shows up multiple times, that's why. Sorry.

  3. My embarrassing moment involving a slip recently was when I was wearing a skirt that I forgot to put a slip on with that was very sheer. I didn't even realize it until most of the work day was done, and I was horrified that I had gone that long without it! I tried walking with my legs really close together and small steps the rest of the day.

    And Susan's comment "busted mormon underpants" made me LOL, for several reasons. One being that I keep trying to picture you as a Mormon in disguise.

  4. oh man, both of those are super embarrassing. But good on your for sharing it with the internet-therefore neither of these things happened in vain


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