Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I have an Oktoberfest wrap-up coming but the pictures are hilarious and so far all I can write about it is "Oktoberfest was fun. Here are some pictures" and that's not acceptable. So until I feel inspired to write about all that, here are some other things going on in my head:

1. Fashionist is a blog that posts a daily man-on-the-street outfit and I added it to my reader because 80% of the outfits are examples of what annoys me about San Francisco fashion and I guess I like to keep a list of DON'Ts handy. Like this, for example:

Nothing about that is flattering. Why are they celebrating it?

But the outfits that I think are the ugliest feature horrible shoes like these:

I'll admit that I think that thrifting shoes is gross anyway, but seriously Internet -- HOW ARE THESE CUTE??

2. I'm sort of sad that summer is over when it felt like it never even started. Our weather has been super funky so I know all of the Bay Area is like "Fall? What? Now?? NO!" but I think my summer was particularly crappy and I hardly had any time to feel happy and summery. So even though I want to join the rest of the Bay Area in hoping our typical Indian summer will finally kick in, I'd really rather just move forward to fall, wear a sweater and put this crappy summer behind me.

3. One day I'd like to be in the position to look at the Travelzoo Top 20 deals that come to my inbox and say "Upscale Kuala Lumpur Package for $1,299? OKAY! LET'S GO!"

4. I guess that's all I have for you right now, Internet.


  1. 1. There is NOTHING cute/fun/or funky about those shoes. They SUCK.

    2. I'm ready for Fall too....I prefer not to have to worry about how to figure out how to not be hot while still wearing my standard black pants every day to work.

    3. I know fancy people in KL....I can make this happen for the cost of a plane ticket. Let me know when you're up to visit Southeast Asia in style and we'll make it happen

  2. I just took a look at that Fashionist blog and it ALL sucks! I only clicked on a few of the posts but I didn't see ONE outfit I liked in there. It would drive me insane to see those outfits pop up on my reader day after day. You have more patience than I, I guess. ;-)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Remind me to go to my local Goodwill and buy up all of their shit and resell it to disaffected SF hipsters. Then we can ALL go to Kuala Lumpur.

    P.S. Let's pretend that the comment I deleted above was something scandalous instead of me deleting it because I made a typo and can't figure how to edit my comment.

  5. 1. On a slightly related not my cousin was captured in another street style blog last month for this winning ensemble =p

    here's the original blog entry

  6. My mother in law wears those shoes EVERY FUCKING DAY. I am NOT kidding. She's worn them since I've known her.....18 yrs. Yes, same pair. Well, she does also have taupe.

    I just shuddered.


  7. Those are GRANDMA SHOES. But my grandmother actually wore stylish shoes (and Grasshoppers and Cobbie Cuddlers). These are shoes you wear when you have just given up hope. If you wear these shoes you have cankles and toenail fungus and your sweater smells like mothballs.

  8. I think that website must be a joke, there is nothing redeemable about that outfit nor those shoes


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