Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First World Problem of the Day

The grippy part of my lip gloss cap came off and I can't open my lip
gloss but I don't want to try twisting the white part because it's
sticky with glue. Ineffective glue.


  1. I would wipe the glue off the white part and go for it (some windex and a towel should work) and then just discard the silver's toast and you'll probably never get it to stick right again.

    Sux =(

  2. That's why this is a very serious first world problem, LB. Sure I *could* fix it, but I needed lip gloss RIGHT THAT MOMENT and I shouldn't have to MacGyver a tube of sparkly lip gloss that cost me 18 HARD EARNED dollars. It was a lip gloss emergency.

  3. Don't tell me you only had ONE lip gloss in your bag. Even I have a couple! But I always forget to put the shit on and walk around looking with a mega-pale pout!


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