Friday, April 30, 2010


Compromise, originally uploaded by dumpstar_drummer.

1. I was just searching high and low for the peanut butter at my
brother's house so I could get the dog distraction toys prepared so I
could leave the house. WHERE IS THE STUPID PEANUT BUTTER????

I eventually found it IN THE FRIDGE. This is clearly my SIL's
influence because my brother was not raised this way. We are SHELF
people, damnit.

2. Looks like Bob and I disagree on this very important subject. Kinda
like when we nearly broke up when I found out that he is Team Whipped
Cream Frosting while I am VERY FIRMLY on Team Buttercream. Luckily,
someone suggested we meet in the middle at cream cheese frosting and
we agreed, but later discussed that it was only a band-aid because
cream cheese frosting is only appropriate in certain situations.

3. I changed his name in my contacts so I could take this picture. A
minute or so later I got a text from "Bob" and I was like "Who the
heck is BOB?"


4. He's gonna choke when he sees my phone is down to 25%, which is
still a whole lot of juice, if you ask me.


  1. Go Bob Go! I'm all for Team Bob on this one. :)

  2. Ugh. We bought some hippie peanut butter once, and I HATED having to store it in the fridge. We went straight back to fatty, processed PB. I'll forever be a choosy mom who chooses JIF!

  3. Definitely a nay to the hippie pb. It also requires stirring...and the consistency...ugh. I think you need to be brought up on that stuff - cause I cannot imagine intentionally making the switch.
    And a hell yeah to the buttercream frosting. I find it odd that more people are into the whipped cream varietal. Blah

  4. TEAM EH. Pantry city sweetheart and buttercream all the way. I made some today.

  5. Team Bob. Trader Joe's PB doesn't separate as completely as other natural PBs, but it does need to be refrigerated.


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