Friday, July 29, 2011

I want to pronounce that "Joanie."

I just watched the video for the iPhone 4 and noticed this guy:

I worked at Apple EIGHT THOUSAND YEARS AGO and this dude would have given you a pissy "I am in Industrial Design and yes, you dumbass, that's more than just deciding shade of teal to make the iMac" stare if you'd called him anything but "Jonathan," so I'm amused to see that he's suddenly "Jony."

And yeah, that was eight thousand years ago and MAYBE HE LOOSENED UP, except that I watched an Apple video semi recently (within the last year, at least) and he was "Jonathan," which I remember because I also thought "OH! Jonathan Ive shaved his head! Amazing how that ups someone's desirability! Too bad the stick probably didn't get removed along with the hair!"

But now he's Jony. All casual-like.

And to his credit, it's been like FOURTEEN years and he doesn't appear to have aged a whole lot.


  1. I think when you reach a certain title and more public level of appearance at these larger companies, there's likely a whole crew of PR, designers, consultants, etc. that help with "updating" things like their appearance and what not. :)

    At least, I've seen that change amongst other execs at other large companies (think: previous awkward looking geek --> now smoother good looking senior exec) :)

  2. p.s. so is it pronounced "Joanie" or "Johnny"?? :)


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