Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Documenting the Dirty Do

I think I've mentioned this before, but my friend Taylor likes to play a game where everyone has to go around and name their Dirty Do...as in...the celebrity you'd do who is actually awful, but for some reason, floats your boat.

I'm outing Taylor, but that's okay because A) she doesn't read this blog (even though her brother's gf does) and B) she seems to be proud of her Dirty Do: Hulk Hogan.

I'll also out Carrie while I'm at it, but again, she's PROUD of her dirty love for Snoop Dogg:

Christa (who was like YOU DON'T SAY MY NAME IN YOUR BLOG, DO YOU??) loves her some Captain Sig and I don't blame her AT ALL because, believe it or not, when we play "Which Deadliest Catch Captain Would You Do?" Captain Sig is a crowd pleaser:

(BTW, disgustingly enough, "Which Deadliest Catch Captain WOULDN'T You Do?" would be the better game because the ladies love them some nasty crab captains.)

And yes Christa, you have now officially been mentioned. I could be tricky and disguise you by spelling you Krista, but I think there are enough Christas in the world that your identity is relatively safe. ;-)

When I started this post I was going to save Sassy Sarah the embarrassment of naming her Dirty Do because it took her forever to think of one and I couldn't even remember if she finally ever did but then I REMEMBERED! Even though Sarah's longtime boyfriend looks like he stepped out of a J.Crew catalog and has even accidentally been caught in one of Jameth's Hot or Not posts and scored very highly, HER Dirty Do is as follows:

No, that's not Jesus. It's a gentleman named Bob.

Jon should watch out.

Sorry Sarah. It's on the internet now, which means it's official.

My main purpose in documenting these Dirty Dos is that I need to name a new one because my old one recently dropped dead:

RIP, Billy Mays.

His replacement?

None other than Julia Roberts' ex-husband, Mr. Lyle Lovett:

Gentlemen, let this post be a lesson to you that the ladies are attracted to things that can't really be explained.


  1. Oh my God, now I'm going to need to work on my dirty do. I have one in mind, but... well, okay. It's probably Big Ben from the Steelers. http://www.usaplayers.com/images/news/ben1.jpg Although he's not thaaat dirty. I think I need to work on something worse.

  2. Big Ben isn't dirty AT ALL. He's one I'd be seen in public with!


  3. Mine is Billy Bob Thornton. The southern accent, the self-confidence, the goofy smile...it's all good enough to make me overlook the fact that his name is Billy Bob.

  4. bahahah! Love it!! Hey it's "dirty do" for reason and I think mine lives up to the dirty part of it. He goes above and beyond really.

  5. For a looong time, mine was Courtney Love but gawd she's way beyond the pail nowadays. You know, finding just the right person that disgusts you but who you'd still nail is difficult. I mean, Kate Gosselin is pretty repugnant and I'd give her a jump but the one woman I'd HATE myself for "doing" has got to be Sarah Palin...oh that woman is the worst....Dumb, wealthy AND Republican but Jesus, she's got a set of gams. I'd jump in the sack with her but I'd shower afterward.


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