Wednesday, April 27, 2011

To Do

Hey Internet!

I owe you a post with words and I promise you, it's sitting on my personal laptop all written and spell checked and everything but I don't have internet until Friday. When Friday does finally roll around I will be reporting on the following:

1. My wilderness adventure with my SIL Who Does Not Wear John Deere Pajamas and my darling niece and a whole gang of women to whom I am distantly related.

2. My trip to visit my friends Kari and Eric and how I missed one of my planes because I was writing #1 (TRUE STORY).

3. How #2 got me ALL FIRED UP to create an office/focus area for myself at home.

4. How I bought a desk from a braless lady on Craigslist and how I hauled it up the stairs all by myself and how I didn't amputate any toes or fingers in the process OR damage the floors.

5. The floors in MY NEW PLACE, by the way! I am so excited to have such a beautiful not-so-little space to call my own, if even just for a few months. I'm realizing though that it's really not my home yet. I feel like I'm housesitting. I think I really need to have some peeps over to help me break it in, but since I only have four plates and four forks, I suspect we'll have to do four wine glasses' worth of drinking and then venture out to one of the BAJILLION places within a block or two of my new digs.

6. I'll probably also tell you about how well my darling nephew took to hunting for Easter eggs. He didn't like it when Aunt Sarah opened one up to show him the goldfish crackers hiding inside -- his desire for order is stronger than his desire for goldfish!

Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Friday!!!!!!!!


  1. You could visit a Starbucks or someplace similar for wifi...I'm just sayin'. It's not like I've been checking your blog like 2 or three times a day or anything looking for something hilarious to entertain me....=)

    C'mon Friday!

  2. This tease post is almost a full post, as it is.

  3. The Mayers have partied at your pad... come to think of it, we partied before and after your pad, we just peed there. Good times.

  4. Anna and I can come and visit you! I am in dire need of a cocktail but I don't want to take my baby to a bar :(

  5. totally interested in seeing your wilderness posts and such....and yes, I do check your blog/FB posts regularly as I truly appreciate your sense of
    1. style
    2. humor
    3 commentary on everything I'm thinking but not saying and have nooooo time to blog/FB or even pick up the phone and call your dad to get his take on stuff!
    so please do....quit teasing and start blogging, you got www back, right?
    just asking please and thanks you so much!


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