Friday, April 29, 2011

No internet til Wednesday.

I'm so irrationally pissed off, I can't see straight.


And now that I've had a chance to cool down, I feel bad for being such a bitch to the lady who messed up my order (twice), but now I get three months of free internet and $20 a month super fast internet after that (without having to make a 12 month commitment) and a $20 reward card for something or other.

I still have to call her back for blah blah blah though so I will apologize for being a BYOTCH and then also hope that nothing else stupid happens that makes me go all HULK on her again.


I take it back. That lady is a pain in my ass. She never bothered to mention that OH HEY, she sent my box of internet supplies to my service address instead of my mailing address because it's against AT&T's policy to send internet supplies to anywhere BUT the service address and since no UPS driver in his right mind would leave it sitting out on the corner of Drunk St. and Disorderly Ave., I'm never gonna get it. She suggested I could go pick it up at the UPS office and SURE, THAT'LL BE CONVENIENT, I'LL DO THAT.

Which, of course, is what I'll have to do.

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