Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The World's Largest Ball of Twine seems FAR less interesting now!

I know a few of you are going to pee your pants when I tell you this so please be sure you're sitting down.

Are you ready?

So there's this chick who works for my new firm and at the same client I do. She is drop dead gorgeous and, as it turns out, totally friendly and interesting and kind -- she even started her own damn charity for girls, which I only know because they were the recipients of the holiday party raffle money.

We sit next to each other now that I'm on this new project (that is going to kill me, btw) and we got to talking and it turns out her family owns a few funeral homes in the area and I was like OMG YOU'RE TOTALLY GOING TO BE MY PHONE A FRIEND FOR MORTUARY-RELATED THINGS! She laughed and I was like "NO, FOR REALS, THAT IS FASCINATING. I can't wait to see what else you know so I can learn more interesting things!"

And then she goes "Well, I won The Amazing Race."

And then I think my head might have come clean off.

And now I'll be rewatching season 13 from start to finish.


  1. What what what!?!?! So cool! I haven't seen that season but now I must watch it.

  2. Natalie, you were actually one of the people I thought would be most interested in this post!!

  3. I find this "fascinating"! If I'm googling the right person, she might also be a lifeline for NFL cheerleading.

  4. Yeah, what jm8yer said! My Google Fu is telling me that she's had quite an interesting life.

  5. DING DING DING!!!!!

    Also for "bikini photoshoots on the beach," which is a kick because she's very professional at work!

  6. I'm afraid I'll need visual evidence of these "bikini photoshoots on the beach". I wouldn't want anyone going around the 'net spreading unsubstantiated rumors...

  7. Her brother just got some gig on Broadway. He is a San Jose Children's Musical Theater alum. It was in the paper earlier this week.

  8. I just googled too, and while I've never really watched the Amazing Race, I think I did happen to see the very episode where she won, when I was visiting relatives who were fans... If it's the same season/team I'm thinking of, they ended in Portland or something and the final mission (??) involved donuts? If that's the one, funny coincidence that it's one of only two episodes I've seen of that show!

  9. So I've watched every episode of TAR, and cannot for the life of me remember her, even after googling. Oh well, you've seen one season, you've seen them all, I guess.


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