Wednesday, November 3, 2010

There are people standing, but this dude keeps saying the two empty seats next to him are taken

1) Asshole move.

2) Double asshole because he had his feet on the seat in front of him
until that chick sat there.

3) The commute home has been a clusterfuck. They're not running
regular train service because of all the people so now every train is
a makes-all-the-stops train (which BLOWS) and now the regular
commuters and I are stuck, briefcases and all, with TEN MILLION drunk
Giants fans.

4) A commuter adjacent to me said that his AM ride turned into a
hotbox situation and he was pretty sure he showed up at work smelling
like pot.

5) This day has been an exercise in "THIS IS WHY YOU DONT MOVE OUT OF
SAN FRANCISCO, STUPID!" When I lived in SF I didn't give a crap about
the plight of the commuter because worst case scenario, I was a 30
minute walk from home.

6) I'm an hour and twenty minutes into my commute and I'm still like
75 minutes from the SJ train station. Driving would have been the
better choice, which is a PISSER because I trained in today
specifically to avoid a hassle.

somewhere around having my face in some dude's armpit for the 40
minute MUNI ride to the train station.

1 comment:

  1. FYI-If you are ever caught in this kind of commute drama again you can call me and I will come and pick you up at any station between here and SF....I've done it before for other friends for a lot less legitimate reasons...


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