Wednesday, November 10, 2010


During my summer of OH MY GOD ARE YOU KIDDING ME WHY IS THIS HAPPENING, my very dear friend Kari (author of Amazon's #1 crafting book in 2010!) shared the following words of encouragement:

True love and just regular plain ole love is so FUCKING HARD every now and then. That is why REAL TRUE LOVE is so worth the wait and bullshit, you know. Because it is just honestly worth all the heartache in the end. Sometimes your heart has to get all bruised and tender so it can recognize itself when it is whole.

I just came across that again tonight and I'm posting it for three reasons:

1. At the time I thought I was supposed to keep hanging in there through the hard parts because it would be worth the wait. I'm amazed at how differently I'm interpreting it now.

2. When I get to the recognizing part of my life I'm gonna put all this on a t-shirt. Probably in really small print.

3. She's so smart and wonderful and has been one of my most trusted advisers and advocates on this subject for many years.

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