Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's almost silent journey time!

For the first time ever in the history of Elizabeth Holt, I am
thrilled to be going somewhere this hot. The only part that worries me
is that I'll be getting into my very VIP economy rental car at about
3PM on Sunday afternoon to drive myself to the airport and 110 sounds
better as a "lay by the pool" temp than a "get into a hot car" temp,
but otherwise, BRING IT ON!

My uncharacteristic enthusiasm for the heat is because:

1. I am going to a tiny spa where I am almost guaranteed to be
surrounded exclusively by couples and/or the gays and grays. Therefore
I can boldly wear a temperature-appropriate dress without arm coverage.


I'm nervously excited about that freedom.

2. I am really, really, really excited to just sweat some shit out. I
haven't really been boozing it up lately and my recent mood has
suddenly turned me into a stress non-eater (WHO KNEW?) so I don't
really have anything physical to sweat out...I'm just looking to sweat
out the sad.


3. I don't actually mind extra dry, desert heat. Plus, there's a
"cooling lemongrass ice wrap - perfect for a hot desert day" in my
future. Plus some sort of energy balancing massage (no rock unturned
and all) and another sort of spirit-enhancing massage on Sunday before
I fly home.

Hocus pocus!

The only part of my silent journey that does not sound fantastic is
that I'll be spending three evenings alone. I'm not sure how that'll
work out for me, but I'm hopeful that it'll all be okay.


  1. I think 3 days completely alone with only yourself to worry about sounds relaxing. Enjoy it!

  2. I personally think teh disconnected alone time sounds like heaven =)....and exactly what the Dr. ordered.

    Is this going to be a truly a "silent journey" with no cell and Internet to distract???

  3. No LB...I'm bringing my laptop and my phone charger. It's only a "silent journey" because that's easier than saying "that trip I said I wanted to go on months ago where people would leave me the hell alone for five minutes."

  4. You also need to bring a book you've been dying to read but maybe putting off, and some good smut magazines!

    EH, have you read Eat.Pray.Love? It might be worthy of a read this weekend.

  5. I second the Eat, Pray, Love suggestion. Your silent journey sounds absolutely fantastic. Enjoy yourself.


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