Monday, September 26, 2011

Wub You

One of these days I'll get around to telling you all about Tahoe and about my birthday and about how I still haven't gained my juice fast weight back and about how I haven't had caffeine in like 38 days or something and about how I still have pretty awesome focus and about how I'm going to wait until I donate blood again (next month) so I can have my blood pressure taken so I can see if the caffeine-free living has a positive impact on that and if it does, then adios forever caffeine, but if not then I'll probably break at some point and even if I do continue with the caffeine-free living, I'll have to get a decaf pumpkin spice latte because HELLO, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO AUTUMN WITHOUT ONE!


1. Work is killing me. KILLING ME. Dead. I will stop working 12 hour days on October 19th though so cross your fingers I make it that long.

2. Married people continue to be flabbergasted that someone as wonderful as ME could be single, but I'm tell you guys, there's like a force field of man-repellent around me.

3. I'm moving back into my parents' guest bedroom in a few weeks, but I SWEAR TO YOU, it'll only be until February so I can get through Christmas and Guam without having to pay rent.

4. Oh hey, I'm going to Guam! In January! To visit my friends Aly and John! And Carrie is coming too! And I'm hoping to get an overnight layover in Tokyo so we can get our passports stamped and check Asia off my list of continents (though I totalllllly recognize that "Asia" shouldn't be checked off with one 14 layover in Tokyo, but it's good enough for me...also...I'm not sure if Japan counts as Asia as in the CONTINENT because Japan is an island, so I'll most likely talk myself into going back one day).

4a. And Danielle, YOU BET YOUR BRITCHES that if we go to Japan I'll be bringing home a suitcase of weird Kit Kats!!!

5. And speaking of Danielle, I am going to visit her and her husband Mike and their baby Will in like TWO WEEKS! Jordan is coming to represent Team Texas too! HOLLER!

6. And I'll have to be sure to do the whole Tahoe/birthday/juice fast catch up crap SOON because if I get into October and I haven't told you about August yet and I have a trip to recap, I'm NEVER gonna get back to I'll add that to my to list along with the "Work 10-12 hour days every day except for Friday when I can still be up sending emails to people at 1AM because I don't have to get up at the ass crack of dawn the next day so I can make it into the office early so I can get some PEACE AND QUIET ALREADY" and the "pack up the house and move again" and the "try to keep my life in order" items that are currently sucking up my time and giving me gray hair and wrinkles.

6a. The good news is that there's hardly anything to report for September because I was too busy going to work, coming home, eating dinner standing by the kitchen sink, going to bed and then going to work again. Rinse and repeat.

6b. Also on the To Do list: Ask boss if I can expense Botox for the increasingly deep concentration line forming between my eyes.

7. And btw, the thing that is keeping me tied to my desk at all hours was SUPPOSED TO BE a one time thing but I've heard rumors that it's going to happen again, at which point I might have a stroke.


9. And then just so I can post something not worky-whiney -- My niece and nephew are perfect and wonderful and I adore them. My miracle niece is much less serious in her old age and my darling nephew can MAKE MY WHOLE DAMN DAY by running over and giving me a hug and a kiss.

OOH! And the other day I told him that I loved him (for probably the 75th time that day) and he replied "Wub you" and I nearly died. (In the good way and not in the "life being sucked out of me by work" way.)

I will be so sad when he gets older and is embarrassed by his Aunt Elizabeth saying "I love you, my precious darling." BUT HOW CAN I EVER STOP??!!

10. Also: Nevermind the context, but I just got this text from Ho Ho Lo:

Pretty soon you are going to be hitting on Jersey-esque douchebags and I'll be drooling over bearded, socially awkward dudes...What's happening to us!?

And then I ELL OH ELL'D.


  1. So glad you wrote this! Maybe I should follow suit and write something too, but I can't even think of an interesting status update for facebook. Geez!


    And, dude, you are going to give me a stroke. I realize I am reading in my head and not out loud, but I try to read each item in one mental breath. Pre-1 and 6 were rough. I had to commercial-disclaimer-speed-read them.

    I took a bus across Tokyo one. BE PREPARED. You will be like Godzilla. I was freakishly tall and very aware of it there.


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