Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sports Bra Spiders

Here's another post where I say "I'm about to post about my trip to Guam, I swear" (I really am, I swear. Probably) but really this post is so I can direct you to post about my favorite people on Guam and a very large spider.

I lolled.

And then thanked my lucky stars that nothing of the sort happened to the clothes I hung on their clothesline:

Sort of related: I think a moth may have started a family in my food cabinet. I thought the same moth had been kicking it in the general vicinity of my food cabinet, but then today I got tired of it so I killed it and then "it" was back, so I killed it and then "it" was back, so I killed it. Then I banged against the cabinet door and a couple more moths came flying out. And now whenever I walk past it, I open the door and find another moth or two.

Moths are far less horrifying than sports bra spiders, but they're still unwelcome inhabitants of my food cabinet.

1 comment:

  1. I checked out that Spider post....OMFG!!! This is why I don't live on a beautiful tropical island or some other exotic location, because I seriously could not handle ever potentially coming in contact with something like that as part of daily life. I will be having nightmares for the next few weeks.....


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